At Graze Meat Co we are proud to offer Manitobans 100% grass fed, grass finished Black Angus Beef.
At Graze Meat Co we raise 100% grassfed, grass finished beef from birth to plate on a diverse selection of grasses, legumes and forbs from spring through late fall. During the winter months, our beef are bale grazed on hayfields with stored grass and legume hay. This process recycles nutrients keeping fertility where it is required and out of our Manitoba waterways. All pastures and hay grown on farm are produced without chemical fertilizer, pesticides or herbicides ensuring that our soil, animals and your family are not exposed to toxic chemicals that can potentially compromise your health.
All Graze Meat Co grass fed beef is harvested between 24-36 months only after a sustained period of grazing diverse, green growing grass to ensure your family benefits fully from grass fed, grass finished health benefits https://draxe.com/nutrition/grass-fed-beef-nutrition/and flavour . This process takes us approximately 6-12 months longer than confined animal feeding operations (CAFO). We feel the extra time and expense is well worth the effort to enable us to offer you a full flavored, quality eating experience allowing our animal to live a pleasant life at a natural, healthy rate of growth.
Properly managed grass fed beef is not only a healthy choice for your family, it’s environmentally sound. Our pastures are rotated continuously which “pulse” grazes our grasses, a practice that sequesters large amounts of carbon into the soil. Animal waste is spread evenly across the pastures as the animals graze and is incorporated into the soil as added fertility, much of the remaining grass residue is incorporated into the soil by the cattle hooves, feeding our soil microbial life which in turn makes more nutrients available for us to grow increasingly healthier swards of high quality grass, an obvious asset for our grass based operation. Our rotations allow plenty of time for nature to sanitize the pastures of potential parasites before our grass fed beef return allowing us to avoid using toxic pesticides on our beef cattle. Please read the article below to further understand how your choice to purchase grass fed beef is not only healthy for you, it is also a sound environmental decision.
Note: All Graze Meat Co grass fed beef products are processed at our local Manitoba provincially inspected abattoir.